Okay, so we all know that business training is important, or at least you should by now (if not you can catch up by reading our blog posts here). But let’s face it, however great a deal you can get on your training package, it simply isn’t feasible to send the whole company on a course. So, how do you choose who does what training and when they should do it?
Here we take a look at when is best to train employees and how to choose who takes part in employee training and development courses.
When and Why Should You Implement Employee Development Training?
There are a number of reasons why you should implement employee training and development, including:
- When a new staff member joins the team
- If an existing employee will be given a raise or be taking up a new position
- During the implementation of new technology or systems
- If a performance appraisal indicates training is recommended
- To benchmark or pilot test a company-wide professional development program
Naturally, each of these instances will require different types of training, for different employees, at different times. So, how do you decide who does what, when? Here are a few examples:
Whatever level a new employee is joining your company at, it is important to give them job related training. Whether this is a few days observation with a current staff member to see how you do things, or you sign them up for IT and business certification courses, these will both prepare the newbie for their day-to-day work within your business.
Of course, there is also the option of hiring an apprentice. Apprenticeships will split their time between formal study and on the job training, therefore they often become the most knowledgeable and loyal employees.
Find out more about the business benefits of hiring apprentices in our blog post here.
Of course, it’s not just the young and eager employees that require business training and development, even some of the longest serving management members should partake in regular training.
Although those in management may not be getting down and dirty like they once would have lower down the ranks, it is still important that they keep a hand in and are knowledgeable about the latest technology and developments. So, not only is general training required, but subject specific training is encouraged in order to pass on information to the staff they are responsible for.
It may also be a good idea to invest in regular business, management or communications training to ensure your senior staff have all the skills they need to manage a happy and productive team of skilled employees. Whether it’s learning how to speak in front of a group of people, manage schedules or perfect leadership tactics there is always plenty to brush up on.
So, who and when is best to give employee development training? Well, new staff and management should always be the first priority, but that doesn’t mean you should forget the rest of your team.
Where possible, send a select few members of the workforce on skills or personal development training once or twice a year. Not only will this expand their industry knowledge, which could help your company, but it will leave them feeling appreciated. It’s a win-win situation.
If you’re interested in sending any of your staff on an employee training and development course, take a look at our wide selection of courses and certifications we have on offer here at Global Knowledge. We’re sure you’ll find something for everyone, but if not, give us a call to discuss training options on 01189 121929 today.
The post Employee Development Training: Who and When? appeared first on Global Knowledge UK Blog.